Bouquets and
Editors Note: Due to the crash of a hard drive we lost some of our articles for the July paper. I had backed up on my tape drive June 16, 1996, and was able to recover from it most of my files. But, I had not backed up the files that some letters were in. If you sent a bouquet or a brickbat that has not been published, please forgive this but I am not sure I found all the letters that had come in since last month. I was also in the process of moving into my new office that I have nearly finished in the basement and that got me in more trouble with locating recent letters.
We have been working to get up to par on the new mailing requirement going into effect July 1, 1996. That is the primary reason the paper is late. Also, this week (July 22 & 25) our electricity has been off for a total of almost 18 hours. But, after these difficulties, here we are again. Hopefully within the month we will get things back on schedule. Thanks for all your kind words and the offerings a number of you send from time to time. Bro. Wayne Camp, ED
YUKON TERRITORY: Just received last Friday your GP&PI, too, am a "Futurist."
A learned Brother wanted to enter into an e-mail discussion of eschatology with me recently. I really have such little time that I doubted how active I could be, but in my first reply raised the issue of "blindness in part (PARTIAL) has happened unto Israel until (TEMPORARY) the fullness of the Gentiles . . . ." He answered that he could not deal with that portion of Romans! I should think that obviously clear and definite passages such as that one (and others) ought to be dealt with rather than ones which might seem more obscure.
Keep up the good work! We look forward to getting your papers each month.
MISSOURI: I would like to receive your paper. I am a born-again believer in Jesus Christ and I love to learn as much as I can about the Bible. Please send it to me as soon as possible!! Thank you very much. God bless you all for your efforts for our Lord and Saviour!
ALASKA: I would like to give you another name for you to put on the list to receive your paper, if you would, please. Please keep up the good work with the paper. I really do enjoy receiving it.
OKLAHOMA: I read on page 3 of your most recent issue that there are "some things you believe that Paul wrote."
Verbatim: "I believe some things Paul wrote in his first letter to the Corinthian church and to which John also made reference in the Revelation, are yet future."
Do you not believe all things Paul wrote or only some things Paul wrote?
EDITORS NOTE: More than once this reader has exhibited that he does not read well or jumps to conclusions without reading carefully. As a matter of fact, he has raised other issues at other times that were such that I did not even use them in this column.
Had he read what I said he would have seen what I mean. Yes, I believe all that Paul wrote and in no way indicated otherwise. But, I do not believe that all that Paul wrote is yet future. Verbatim here is what I said with which he has taken issue: "I believe some things Paul wrote in his first letter to the Corinthian church and to which John also made reference in the Revelation are yet future." That which I have underlined he missed or chose to ignore. In essence I said, "I believe that some of the things Paul and John wrote are yet future." In no way did I infer or imply or insinuate that I did not believe everything Paul wrote. I simply do not believe all that he wrote or John wrote are yet future. Surely, any reasonably endowed reader could see that.
I welcome diverse opinions and, yes, Brickbats, but false inferences and accusations I will unhesitatingly expose.
ILLINOIS: We really appreciate your ministry to us through the GP&P. I wish I had more stamina for study. God bless you.
OKLAHOMA: I appreciate getting your paper. I read it thoroughly and am always blessed by it. Your article provoke thought, and that is good. I then pass it on to others in the church.
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Last updated on Friday, March 04, 2011