Bouquets and
TEXAS: Thank you so much for placing me on your mailing list. I receive a number of different papers but yours is the one I make certain I read every time. It is the best and most unique paper I receive.
ARKANSAS: Every time I get "The Grace Proclamator and Promulgator I want to write and tell you and Pilgrims Hope Baptist Church how much I appreciate it and what a blessing it is to me, but I know that you get many such letters. However, I do want to share this with you.
A few nights ago, after preaching at Cummins Prison to a packed house, with many standing, an inmate came to me and said, "I get a paper from Memphis put out by Brother Wayne Camp and the Pilgrims Hope Baptist Church and it is such a blessing to read it."
So brother, keep up the good work. I know it requires a lot of study for the articles you write, and a lot of work and expense for the church, but it is a great mission work you are doing.
May the Lord continue to bless you and all who are involved in it.
TENNESSEE: I really did appreciate the article on gambling in your most recent paper. I am trying to get some gambling friends to read it.
TENNESSEE: What a great article. More is needed of the same information. I speak of your article on gambling in the last issue. I wish everyone in Memphis could read it. There is so much concern for getting gambling here and it will only result in much trouble. Thanks!
ILLINOIS: We really appreciate your ministry to us through the GP&P. I wish I had more stamina for study.
IRELAND: I did receive a copy of the GP&P and certainly appreciate all the hard work that you put into it. Indeed, computers are a real blessing, when they workAmen!
Your article on Limited Atonement was excellent. I believe it was John Gill who said (more in essence than a direct quote) election and redemption are equal. Christ did not die for any more or less than those chosen by the Father. Unfortunately, particular redemption has suffered much as has wine in the Lords table due to a lot of heat about the subject instead of light. I commend you for your clear presentation of the doctrine of our Lords redemptive work on the cross. May the Lord greatly use it to open the eyes of those who are blind to Biblical truth.
LOUISIANA: Please send me The Grace Proclamator and Promulgator. I read the sermon about gambling and the Christian. It was a great message. I would love to receive your paper every month.
TEXAS: Were looking forward to the next article on gambling. That was an article that should shake Christians to the bone. The morality of the world has so infiltrated our churches that we dont even know it is there anymore. We have learned to justify whatever it takes to not have to challenge the believer where he or she lives. When we start getting into where they live everyday, we are "unloving" and "too intolerant."
The gambling industry has already done enough and deep enough damage that if some how gambling was stopped all across this nation, there are areas of lives that still would never fully recover. It has left huge scars in individuals, families, churches, etc. The ruin that it has already cause in lives is beyond imagination. We live within 40 minutes of the gambling casinos on and off the water in Louisiana. They have FREE shuttle buses that go at least 2 hours on west of us to the other side of Houston.
Your article is being copied and put in our tract rack for distribution.
Thanks again for TGP&P. Its a blessing!
NEW MEXICO: Enjoy the paper very much. You are doing a good job.
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Last updated on Friday, March 04, 2011