"To testify the gospel of the grace of God." Acts 20:24
Bouquets and
NEVADA: No brother, I am not who you are thinking of. Thank you for the subscription. It is a breath of fresh air to read some good material and I must tell you, I enjoyed the article on regeneration that was attached on the Baptist Symposium mail list.
VIRGINIA: We are very much opposed to pk. We would like copies of the Articles you wrote; An Introduction to the Promise Keepers & Their Faulty Foundation Exposed We have had trouble trying to download. Please tell us how to obtain.
WWW: I have read your two papers on PK's and I can tell you that you have bastardized and misinterpreted their work. Does your church belong to a denomination or are you an independent? You are guilty of twisting their purpose and meaning. I attended the SITG on October 4, and God was truly honored and praised. I felt the hate in your heart for those brothers, believers who are more charismatic in their worship. I was raised in the Evangelical Free Church and my father was a pastor who finished his career in a Baptist church as a visitation pastor and he would have been ashamed of your writings as he was of Jimmy Swagert, Jim and Tammy, and Bob Jones. I have learned to accept my brothers who worship differently than I do. The only thing that matters is one's belief that Jesus is indeed the son of God and he calls us to accept him into our hearts and follow his leading in our lives. John 3:16 is quite clear and spiritual gifts are mentioned all over the new testament. I am not a charismatic believer!
You are repeating lies and have taken out of context things like the comment about the Beatles. What was said here is that talent is from God, even musical talent! The point of the sermon was the point that if the Beatles had known the Lord can you imagine what they would have been able to accomplish! Your work is filled with lies and half truths as well as hate and I suspect jealousy. You have set yourself up as a judge when we are called to discern, not judge! (Note that this Promise Keeper has been very careful not to judge me. He just felt the hate in my articles) I have meet other people like you who would unloving explain tragedy in Christian lives (like the death of your son) as due to their own sin totally insensitive to the love of Christ.
There are thousand of men who don't know much about doctrine but know a lot about asking the Lord into their hearts because of PK's and their lives have changed. I believe that the Lord will act upon their hearts and lead then to the doctrine he wants of them. Let me give you example; when a man ask Christ into their heart he doesn't change all of their habits at once, as they grow he convicts them as their spiritual maturity increases. Take smoking for instance, first Christ enters their heart and then on his own timing he challenges them to quit. He certainly doesn't need humans like you and me to judge them and look down on them because of their habits.
PK's is supportive of the local church as long as it believes in Christ and the message of the gospel. For you to say that Mormons are acceptable in their beliefs is a total lie! PK's calls you to only one God and one savior the same as Billy Graham. PK's makes it quite clear that there can be no eternal life without a belief in Jesus Christ! By the way I have meet many Catholics who believe in Christ and have accepted Jesus as their personal savior in spite of their church.1.8 million men gathered on the mall in Washington from a variety of church backgrounds, we were united in believing that Jesus was sent by God to wash away our sins and to allow us a personal relationship with Christ. Jesus Christ Lord of Lords, King of Kings was worshipped . . .
Since their recent march on Washington Promise Keepers have apparently stepped up their aggressiveness toward those who point out their errors for I have literally been peppered with letters from them. I am glad they are reading the articles on PKs. Maybe someone will profit from their study. Editor.
Send mail to rwcamp@gpp-5grace.com
Last updated on Friday, March 04, 2011